tiistai 20. joulukuuta 2011

Cheapest flights from Gdansk - Gdansk-Turku flight 4PLN (0,99€)

Wizzair offers extremely cheap flights from Gdansk to Turku (Finland). The cheapest price, called Superpromo, is available for only limited days but it's only 4 PLN (0,99€) for a one way ticket. There are 4 PLN (0,99€) flights available also from Turku to Gdansk so you if you are really lucky you can buy both tickets with this Wizzair Superpromo price. The days of these cheapest flights vary very often and at the moment these cheapest flights are available some days in January and February 2012.

If you are not lucky enaough to be able to travel with these 4 PLN flights there are many other days where flights cost less than 100 PLN.

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